
Ida Zilio-Grandi

Ida Zilio-Grandi

Ida Zilio-Grandi teaches Islamology, Arabic Language and International Relations and Politics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She is the author of Il Corano e il male (Einaudi, Turin, 2002); Una corrispondenza islamo-cristiana sull’origine divina dell’Islam (Patrimonio Culturale Arabo Cristiano (PCAC), Silvio Zamorani Editore, Turin, 2004); and Le opere di controversia islamo-cristiana nella formazione di una letteratura filosofica araba and Temi e figure dell’apologia musulmana (‘ilm al-kalâm) in relazione al sorgere e allo sviluppo della “falsafa”, in C. D’Ancona (ed.), Storia della filosofia nell’Islam medievale (Einaudi, Turin 2005). She is the editor of the Italian edition of the Dictionnaire du Coran by M. A. Amir-Moezzi (Mondadori, Milan, 2007). She has also worked as a consultant at the publishing house Marsilio, for the series Le sabbie (1999-2001). At present, she is a consultant for arab-islamic publications in Einaudi publishing. From 2015, she is member of the Committee of Islam in Italy, at the Interior Ministry, Rome. From January 2019 she is director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Abu Dhabi. She has participated as a researcher in the Oasis project "Not an Era of Change, But a Change of Era".

The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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